Importance of Pre-marital counselling
The below information is again shared by my friend Usha. who is an emerging life coach. I personally felt this topic is very much important and needed in the present world. It’s always better to get tips/advice from a relevant professional, who is generally non-judgmental. It’s a fact that only if we live with that person in person we will know who the real he (or) she is. Then why this Pre-marital counselling if you ask, it will give you a better picture of whether this person is ok to live with in person (or) not. And help guide us in many more things about a married life. Importance of Pre-marital counselling: 1. As the name indicates, it’s before one gets married. Men and women have different physical and emotional needs. They are generally happy and a bit curious to explore the institution called marriage. 2. Marriage is an important event in life. It’s a lifelong commitment. However, it has m...