Gut friendly Appam ( No soda/yeast)


There are a few variations in appam recipes. The recipe I showed here is gut friendly for people facing gut issues like acidity, gastritis and IBS. The reason for gut-friendly is I replaced appam soda/ yeast with 1 ladle of fermented dosa batter and by doubling the ratio of fenugreek seed.


1.     Raw rice- 1 cup

2.     Idly rice-1 Cup

3.     Urad Dhal-1 tbsp

4.     Fenugreek seed- 1 tbsp

5.     Coconut -1/2 cup- grated

6.     Salt to taste

7.     Sugar -1/2 tbsp.

8.     fermented dosa batter- 1 ladle

9.     coconut milk -1 ladle(optional)



Soaking time:

        Wash the above ingredients (1-4) and soak them well.

       Soak both rice and dhal for 3 – 4 hours & fenugreek for 6              

       hours or overnight.


 Grinding method:

1.                      In the mixer jar/grinder add all the soaked items (1-4) and grind them to           95% smooth batter consistency.

2.                   Now to the batter add ½ cup grated coconut, sugar and salt and grind them        to a smooth batter consistency.


Fermentation method:

1.     Now, to the Appam batter add 1 ladle of fermented dosa batter and mix it well.

2.     Allow the appam batter to ferment well.

3.     It takes 8 to 10 hours to ferment well (or) depending upon the climate time for fermentation may vary.


To Make Appam:

1.     The Appam batter should be flowy in consistent. Little thinner than dosa batter.

2.     If not adjust the consistency by adding water and coconut milk.


3.     Heat an appam pan, if it’s not non-stick grease the pan with little oil.

4.      Once the pan reaches the right temperature add 1.5 ladle of appam batter and rotate the pan gently in a circular motion so that the batter spreads evenly around the pan.                                                                                    


5.     Now close the pan with the lid and cook it on medium-low flame till it gets cooked evenly.


6.     Once the appam is cooked remove it from the pan and serve it hot with coconut milk or with veg / non-veg stew or with any chutney of your choice.

          Now super soft Appam is ready.


1.     Ensure to a use pan which is deep in the centre. So, the appam comes out with a nice shape.

2.     Only if the batter is fermented well and the appam pan is heated to the right temperature you will get soft pores appam.

3.     If the batter is not fermented well you will not have pores while cooking the appam and it will not be soft too.

4.     If you are willing to use soda add 1/2 tsp of soda 10 minutes before making the appam and mix well. And reduce the ration of fenugreek by half, and need not to add 1 ladle of fermented dosa batter.





  1. Great recipe, will definitely try

  2. Thanks sindu. After trying to share pics and post your feed back here

  3. my personal favourite. Thanks for posting this.
    Can't forget the days you surprised me with delicious APPAM AND COCONUT MILK after hectic working days.
    must say highlight of this recepie is the fermented batter

  4. Jaya happy to receive the lovely comment from you. And nice to know that u had tried the recipe and it turned out good.
    More than suprise I like to feed people.


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