Anxiety Disorder
The information below has been shared by my friend Usha again. who is a life coach. Lots of thanks to her sharing her knowledge with us and in turn helping people understand various mental health issues in layman terms. What is anxiety disorder? Ø Occasional anxiety is part of normal life. Ø But when in extremes, it is a type of mental health condition where one responds with extreme fear and dread about everyday situations. Ø Also comes across in the form of panic attacks. Ø They then interfere in daily activities. In such cases, medical intervention is required. Ø Counselling helps to a certain extent along with medications. Different types of anxiety disorders: Ø Panic disorders. Ø Social anxiety disorder. Ø phobia disorders, etc. Some symptoms of a person with anxiety disorder are: Ø Feeling restless and irritable. Ø Increased heart rate and palpitation. Ø ...